
LEHA’s October 2023 Comments on EPA’s Proposed Rule on Dust-Lead Standards

LEHA submitted comments to EPA on October 2, 2023, regarding its proposed rule reconsidering its dust-lead hazard standards and dust-lead post-abatement clearance levels. LEHA said it had “serious” reservations about the unintended consequences of the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) proposed rule. A fundamental component of our work is effectively planning and communicating risk-response action strategies to families, property managers, healthcare professionals, regulators, etc. As professionals, we are concerned that the proposal is unworkable and will drastically impede the nation’s ability to conduct lead paint abatement, interim controls, and other remediation, leaving thousands of children at greater risk needlessly. LEHA has supported EPA for many years in its various efforts to expand the supply of abated homes and offers these comments in the same spirit.